Wednesday, April 30, 2008


These are the greatest friends ever, Anna Varney and Kami Cortez (who is having a baby in June) Anna is holding Jett.

So this is our new favorite place to be on Friday mornings!!! Arizona Olympians!!! My good friend Anna told me about this place that allows kids to come and romp around every Friday. They have everything from the foam pit, uneven bars, to balance beams. I was trying to relive my gymnastics days the last time we went and I did a front flip into the foam pit. Can I just say it was NOT FUN. I must have forgotten that I had just had a baby and still have absolutely NO ab muscles. Add that to a big ol booty and you can imagine how hard it was for me to get my body around. hahaha Not Good!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Shout Out To Shalice Johnson!!!

This is a Happy Be-Lated Birthday to Shalice Johnson. So Happy Birthday to the girl who is definately an eight cow woman. Happy Birthday to the girl who treats herself to a whole stick of gum on her Birthday instead of the usual half piece. Happy Birthday to the girl who can't keep herself from dancing when she hears Black Eyed Peas playing. Happy Birthday to the girl who always stops and enjoys a perfect weather day. Happy Birthday to the girl who gets excited about finding chicken on sale (preferably at sprouts). Happy Birthday to the girl who loves fresh flowers. Happy Birthday to the girl who always has a clean, organized house. Happy Birthday to the girl who doesn't need very much to be happy. Happy Birthday to the girl who is always positive. Happy Birthday to the girl who hates gossiping. Happy Birthday to the girl who rides a quad like a man. hahaha Happy Birthday to the girl who loves leftovers. Happy Birthday to the girl who still has guys asking for her number when she goes to Home Depot!!!!!! Happy Birthday to the girl who loves to let the sunlight in first thing in the morning. Happy Birthday to the girl who loves, loves, loves her family. Happy Birthday to the girl who knows the importance of seeking out and following the prophets council. Happy Birthday to the girl who loves to serve others. Happy Birthday to the girl who is devoted to the gospel. And Most Of All Happy Birthday to the girl who we all love and are so grateful to be able to be around everyday!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jett with his favorite aunt in the whole wide world. Believe it, Shalice. He just told me. hahaha

So the other day I was in my room folding laundry and Brik came and asked me if they could have a pickle. I said sure fully confident that he would be able to get one out for him and his sisters. When I came into the kitchen this is what I found. They had a medicine syringe and were using it to drink the pickle juice. I starting laughing so hard. Does anyone else's kids out there love pickle juice?

Wow, How Time Flies!!!

Did I mention that he is now 12.5 pounds. hahaha I love it!

Wow! It's been a while. For some reason even though I hardly ever leave the house, I can never find time to blog anymore. It's weird! I think it has something to do with feeling guilty doing it if my house isn't completely clean. I'm going to have to get over that one. There's just something about a mound of laundry that haunts me. Anyway, I had to get some updated pictures of Jett on here. He is growing so fast it almost makes me sad. He is now smiling to where we know it's for real and not just gas. hahaha He also coos a lot and I don't dare fail to mention SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Could life be any better! One morning when he was seven weeks old I woke up feeling so refreshed only to realize it was because I slept through the night. It was awesome.