Wednesday, November 12, 2008

and yet another CRAFT NIGHT!!

So thanks to allllllllllll the women who made our last Craft Night so successful! I had a blast and definitely enjoyed the time away eating and crafting. We are working on making more space for everyone. It will be good. Anyway here are the next months products. Let me know if you are interested.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Mom "The Photographer"!!!

I finally figured out the small picture issue (Thanks again Mom). I added a few of the girls!

I am totally laughing right now because these pictures are so small. I know there is a way to fix that but like I know what that is. HA! Anyways, here is Jett at 8 months old. My mom did such a good job. She pretty much has her own studio in her house. It's Great! THANKS MOM!!!! Your the Best!
Jett is so special to all of us. The girls can't keep their hands off of him, Brik always says, "Mom, I can't believe how cute he is", and Matt's heart melts every time he looks at him. My feelings are, well, everything combine plus so much, much more.
He is always, always smiling. Even if he gets hurt, he cries for a second and then smiles. It's so awesome. He is our ray of Sunshine! How can you be upset or grumpy when you have this little baby always smiling at you.