Tuesday, January 29, 2008


The day has come...... Jan 28, 2008. What a marvelous and joyfull day. His name that he will be known as here on Earth and on the records of the Chuch is......
HOSSHoss at 30 seconds old

Hoss at 45 seconds old

Hoss showing at 8lbs 1.4o

Best friends already! Hoss and Brik.


Maranda Whittle said...

How cute! Cash is exactly 4 months older then him. He was born Sept. 28th. Congrats!

Elisha said...

Yeah!!!! Congratulations to all of you! I love the name! Boys names are so fun. (not that we'll ever get to decide on one) I bet Brick is so excited! I'd love to help if you need any....take the kids or bring in a meal!

Marquita said...

Congrats Matt & Candee! I hope all is well!

barbafamily said...

CONGRATS!!!! I am so excited for you guys! He is ADORABLE too! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you right now sweetie!

Shalice said...

Seriously, FINALLY! We are so excited for the newest member of the Skousen family.

Joey and Ashley said...

WHat a cute little boy!! Congratulations!! : )

Mary Ann said...

he is perfect!! i didn't even know you were having another baby! so sweet! glad he is here!!

how do you know maranda whittle? it is crazy how small the world really is!!