Finally a REAL post and not some Lame-Brain advertisement! HA
So Mark called us at about 5:00am this morning and said, "Can Kaden come over"? We were so excited!!! They left our house around 5:10am. Nick came into this world at 5:29am. Mind you the hospital is about a twenty minute drive from our house. I believe Mark made it in about 8 minutes. We don't ask questions, all we say is HECK YEAH MARK, YOU ROCK!!! By the time they arrived at the hospital Nick was already well on his way. Five short mintues, and four pushes later, he was here.
Nick came weighing in at 7 pounds 15 ounces, and 20in. long. He is so adorable and we love him so much already. Shalice looked great and that of a queen, the only thing she was missing was her Hot Red Lipstick!!!
We are so excited to have Nick as the newest addition to the family.