Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alright, the wife got her way. His real name is
Jett Robbie Skousen

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


The day has come...... Jan 28, 2008. What a marvelous and joyfull day. His name that he will be known as here on Earth and on the records of the Chuch is......
HOSSHoss at 30 seconds old

Hoss at 45 seconds old

Hoss showing at 8lbs 1.4o

Best friends already! Hoss and Brik.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I know that it is a little late. I have been trying to get everything ready for this new baby. Any how, It was a great holiday filled with alot of fun. Spending time with Matt's family is a true blessing I love them all. I hope you enjoy the pic. Yes that is my little Brik on a 30 foot zip line. I was so scared for him.